Routes covering country: Sweden

Europe by Rail: The Definitive Guide
Most of the cities along Route 24 in Europe by Rail have developed through sea trade or their links with the sea, although none is really on an open coast. We’ll visit places shaped by the Hanseatic League and feel the sea breeze on this journey through four countries.
Route 25 makes the perfect introduction to southern Scandinavia. Our journey runs up Jutland before we hop on a ferry across the Skagerrak to Norway for a train journey through the hills to Oslo. The final leg of our journey takes us east from the Norwegian capital to Stockholm.
Route 26 in Europe by Rail is a trip from Copenhagen to Bergen via Oslo. It is a journey of extremely varied character. Along the way we pass Göteborg from where there's a wonderful rural rail route around Lake Vänern.
The overnight journey to Swedish Lapland we describe in Route 28 of Europe by Rail is worth doing in one long hop. Most places of real interest lie beyond Kiruna – in the final three hours of the journey.